Friday, March 31, 2017

In the bag! Three runs completed this week!

So glad to say I finished this week with three runs completed!

A long winter of sporadic running has left me soft and out-of-shape!  Ugh!  But that should be easy to fix, hopefully!  Running seems to be the fix-all for me.  I trim up, feel hungrier, enjoy food more, and have an overall happier outlook on life when I’m running.  At 50, I feel so lucky to be able to run.  My fear is that if I quit for too long, I’ll never be able to run again.  So, I have to stay motivated.  Even, if I feel like the only old, slow girl out there, I can run.  Well, what I do is a slow jog, but it works for me!

My weekly goal for running:  3.0 miles, three times a week, without stopping.

This week, I can proudly say I got in three runs.  Monday and Wednesday I ran 2.0 without stopping, and then walked a lap, ran a lap, to finish at 3.0 miles.  Today, Friday, I ran the whole thing, 3 miles.  Also, I ran it at a good pace and not the slow plodding run that takes FOREVER!  I feel great knowing I completed this week with three successful runs.  I am not overly sore and my hip feels good.  Lots of stretching before and after, balancing on one leg, really stretching to touch the floor. 

I try to eat meat free for breakfasts and lunches and several suppers each week.  This week, I made my own bread, a loaf of honey, oat, wheat.  Breakfasts mostly were this homemade bread, toasted with honey.  That, and the terrific coffee a guy at work makes, which I love!

I’m still running inside.  The weather is horrible in Missouri most of the time (to me).  I gravitate to the treadmill, with my YMCA “friends” where we smile, sweat, and chug along.  No fancy running gear or centerfold bodies at 5am… well, for the most part.  I very much enjoyed my running music today by Amy Winehouse, Adelle, Sarah McLachlan.  Finished with a little John Denver.  Ahhh..

Confession:  I have to resist the urge to count when I’m running.  Need to focus more on the music and less on the counting LOL.

Running gives me a great start to the day.  I ran, showered, got dressed for work.  Made the bed, prepped breakfast and lunch for my bag, loved on my chihuahuas, and managed to crochet the trim on a baby sock in the car while my husband drove us to work.  Looks like a great start to the day!

I’ll take it!  Happy Friday!

This is "Rosie".  She doesn't know why her mama is up so early putting on running shoes!

My mother would freak out if she saw that I was up this early.  She is retired and would never consider getting up before 7AM.

 Yes, I need new shoes.  But, I'm ready to go!  Doing this!

All done!  6AM and it's still dark.  Ugh!!

Have a great weekend!


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Who motivates you to run? We all find different motivation every single day or lack there of... a'hem.   I am guilty of not always ...